
System custom fields in Targetprocess 3.11.6

Starting with Targetprocess version 3.11.6 you can mark a custom field as System:


The query to update a system custom field will be exactly the same as for a regular custom field, but it has to be run on behalf of System user:

POST to /api/v1/userstories/3347?token=[token]

        Name:"External ID",
  <Message>Value of system custom field External ID can be set only by System User or system activities (e.g. metrics).</Message>
<UserStory ResourceType="UserStory" Id="3347" Name="Brainstorm Blogs page">
  <Description nil="true" />
  <StartDate nil="true" />
  <EndDate nil="true" />
  <LastCommentDate nil="true" />
  <PlannedStartDate nil="true" />
  <PlannedEndDate nil="true" />
  <EntityType ResourceType="EntityType" Id="4" Name="UserStory" />
  <Project ResourceType="Project" Id="1839" Name="Core Development">
    <Process ResourceType="Process" Id="3" Name="Work Process" />
  <LastEditor ResourceType="GeneralUser" Id="2">
  <Owner ResourceType="GeneralUser" Id="2">
  <LastCommentedUser nil="true" />
  <LinkedTestPlan nil="true" />
  <Release nil="true" />
  <Iteration nil="true" />
  <TeamIteration nil="true" />
  <Team nil="true" />
  <Priority ResourceType="Priority" Id="2" Name="High">
  <EntityState ResourceType="EntityState" Id="73" Name="Open">
  <ResponsibleTeam nil="true" />
  <Feature ResourceType="Feature" Id="3341" Name="Support Portal integration" />
    <Field Type="Money">
    <Field Type="Number">
      <Name>External ID</Name>

You can get a token of System user by performing GET /api/v1/Authentication?login=system
More details at