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Filter by owners based on team?

I am creating a view where I can see what my team is creating. Specifically I am looking for items that aren't assigned to a team, as those tend to get overlooked, so I want my team to easily see when they have missed this step. I've created a list with Owner as my first hierarchy, and team as my second level. For Team, the filter was easy "it is none" but for owner, I don't know how to filter for owners who are members of a team. Is this possible? I currently have it filtered by id, but I really don't want to have to update this view anytime anyone leave or joins my team.

Is it possible to export data directly into xlsx format - instead of a csv?


How to see all team apis?

Can I get link to see all team and teammembers api? When I try to see the APIs I get unauthorized error, I tried using credentials of my tenant, but I still see this error.

Removing/unlinking requesters from a request via javascript or other automation rule

I am wondering if there is a way, using automation rules in javascript to remove existing requesters from a Request? The snippet below works to assign a requester to a request, but it appends the requester to those already on the request, it doesn't replace the existing list of requesters. Thanks, //assign requester return { command: "targetprocess:UpdateResource", payload: { resourceType: args.ResourceType, resourceId: args.ResourceId, fields: { "Requesters": [requesters[0]] } } }

How do we access the jira synced work object for an epic using an API?


includeFields 'owner' with google script doesn't work

Hi , I use the api V1 TargetProcess and i don't know why, when i try to include in my goole sheet the owner cell, i have a blank insteag of 'sophiane'. Below the code : TPDATA.filter = '(Owner.FullName contains\'sophiane\') and (Severity.Name ne \'undefined\') and (EntityState.Name ne \'Terminé\')'; TPDATA.includeFields = '[ID,Name,Project,CreateDate,EntityState[Name],Priority,Severity[Name],Team[Name],Owner[FirstName]]';

How do we add members to a team via API


Any way to use MySQL or Python from a mashup?

Greetings. I've done my share of TP mashups, but I now need to access an external SQL DB from my mashup. Ideally I'd love to call functions I've implemented in a Python script, but I don't see a way to call python from a mashup. My second best approach would be to execute my SQL queries directly from my mashup JS, but it's not clear if that can be done either. If all else fails I think I'll need to use a REST API into the SQL server, but that would only be a last resort. Any advice/guidance would be appreciated. Thanks

Testing custom JavaScript automation rules for integrations (e.g. Github Integration)

My organization planned on adding the Github integration. Because we have a highly customized workflow, I planned on implementing an automation rule with JavaScript to calculate the new TargetProcess state (see example here: https://dev.targetprocess.com/docs/state-change) I would like to test this out before I add the integration to our organization, because I'd like to avoid any state changes that may automatically happen when I turn it on (and these are hard to reverse). I would also like to avoid other users seeing and using this integration before I have a chance to test out our workflow. Is there a way to test this logic in a sandbox or test environment?

Curl Upload Attachments

Hi! I am trying to upload files to tasks as Attachments with curl. But there is no examples how to do it. Could you share a link?