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Access-Control-Allow-Origin for local developement

Hi dears I am trying to develop a desktop client for TargetProcess users using electron and vuejs, but while sending get request, I am getting "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access." error. Please some advice.

Get all stories in a view using API query

Hi, I would like to get all stories in a particular board with the API. How do I do that? Now when I query for specific acid= parameter from a specific View, the results in my REST API endpoint are not filtered, even though the view has the cardFilter parameter saved. I still receive all stories, and not the ones that match card filter only.

How to render JQuery UI dialog in front of the epics view

As my title says, we are trying to render a JQuery dialog in front of the epic view. The mashup currently add a tab to the epic view and create a JQuery dialog when clicking a button, but for some reason the dialog does not get in front of the epic view. Here is the function creating the dialog : function createDialog(){ var FeaturesCount = document.getElementById('feature-variations').value; var UsCount = document.getElementById('us-variations').value; var Departments = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('#department-value option:checked'),0).map(function(v,i,a) { return v.value; }); var Name = document.getElementById('feature-name').value; if (!Name && Name.length === 0){ alert("Must specify a feature name"); return; } if (!Departments || Departments.length === 0){ alert("Must choose at least one department"); return; } FeaturesCount = (FeaturesCount === 0) ? 1 : FeaturesCount; UsCount = (UsCount === 0) ? 1 : UsCount; $element.append('<div id="dialog-form" title="Create new user"></div>'); $("#dialog-form").append('<p class="validateTips">Leave empty to attribute no one.</p>'); $("#dialog-form").append('<form id="ui-form"><fieldset id="ui-fieldset"></form></fieldset>'); for (var i = 0; i < FeaturesCount; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < UsCount; j++) { for (var x = 0; x < Departments.length; x++) { switch(Departments[x]) { case '2D': $("#ui-fieldset").append(addUserDropDown(TDUsers.Items, "Feature " + (i + 1) + " US " + (j + 1) + " 2D : ", "User-f" + (i + 1) + "-us" + (j + 1) + "-2D", false)); alignElement("User-f" + (i + 1) + "-us" + (j + 1) + "-2D"); break; case '3D': $("#ui-fieldset").append(addUserDropDown(THDUsers.Items, "Feature " + (i + 1) + " US " + (j + 1) + " 3D : ", "User-f" + (i + 1) + "-us" + (j + 1) + "-3D", false)); alignElement("User-f" + (i + 1) + "-us" + (j + 1) + "-3D"); break; case 'ANM': $("#ui-fieldset").append(addUserDropDown(ANMUsers.Items, "Feature " + (i + 1 ) + " US " + (j + 1) + " ANM : ", "User-f" + (i + 1) + "-us" + (j + 1) + "-ANM", false)); alignElement("User-f" + (i + 1) + "-us" + (j + 1) + "-ANM"); break; default: break; } } } } var dialog = $( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 400, width: 350, modal: true, buttons: { "Confirm creation": addFeatures, Cancel: function() { dialog.dialog( "close" ); } }, close: function() { } }); dialog.dialog("moveToTop"); dialog.dialog( "open" ); }

Download Attachment Files

I am using the rest API within javascript and trying to download some attached images. By putting Attachments in the include I get the file name and id but I can't see how I can actually download the attachment file itself.

Single REST API endpoint common for all types of entities

Is there a way to change the state of ANY entity type (User Story, Bug, Task, Feature etc.) using single logic? To avoid coding similar but specific code for each entity with unique URL and DTO types.

How to have default content inside a Rich Text Custom Field?

Hi, I would like to have some default content inside a rich text custom field whenever a feature has been created. I have created the custom field (type: rich text). Also, I have added some normal text in the entity template mashup for this feature. But I am unable to get the content inside that custom field. if(entityTypeName == 'feature') { var templatefeatureprocess= '<div class=WordSection1> '<p class=MsoNormal>As a ……. I want ……….., so that ……</p>' + '<p class=MsoNormal>Further description ….</p>' //what will be the code to add content inside the rich text field// $description.attr('data-placeholder', ''); $description.append('<div>' + templatefeatureprocess + '</div>'); } Could you please help me on this. Thank you, Divya Narasimha Rao

Relations via SOAP/REST API

Hello. We are using SOAP API in our project. Can we add entity relation via SOAP API or REST API? For example, we need to add feature entity relation for request entity.

Rest API Integration Error

I'm trying to write an integration that extracts data from TargetProcess and stores it in our reporting database. If I use the API through a browser I'm able to get JSON records back. If I use Postman (a Rest API testing app) or try to access it through my code I get the error "one or more errors occurred". If I try through cURL I get a little more detail. I think I'm getting a 401 error; which is not authorized. Here is what I am trying to do: https://mycompany.tpondemand.com/api/v1/UserStories/?format=json Authorization Basic Do I need different security permission to programmatically call the API vs through the browser that I am already logged into TargetProcess with? If I'm sending in a valid url and auth, what else could be the problem? Thanks. -Justin

Mashup to change the properties of a css class

Hi, We use TP to present results of our sprint. Now we are pushing the time boards, but we have a problem: when we project it (with a projector) the contrast of the "tau-cell-planner i-role-cell-planner" is not enough. So I would like to change it to a color easier to see... I think this could be done with a mashup that changes the background color property. Could you provide some hint to do so? Thanks


I have written some C# code that makes use of the API. I would like to port that code to Node.JS. Does the API support Node?