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POST time spent with API v1

I looked at API docs in https://dev.targetprocess.com/reference/bugs-post. It says to make a post with the Spent, Remain, Description, Role and Assignment. Which I did, but it didn't work. Making a request with http protocol it only list the latest time uploads. With HTTPS protocol it returns status code 500. I don't know if I'm missing something, but I can't make it work.

Requesting Effort and Effort-To-Do at certain project time from the API

Hey guys! I was wondering if there is a method of getting this data at a Iteration end date: Effort-To-Do, Effort-Completed, Project-Effort, Project-Effort-To-Do I cant seem to figure this out/wondering if there is something I have missed What would also be nice is getting data within each different business value at the timestamp too.

Field value does not get updated via REST API although TargetProcess replies with "200 OK".

Hi, I'm trying to update a single custom field of an artifact in TargetProcess via REST API. From the documentation I understand, I can use a POST on the respective artifact (URL for the POST: <TargetProcess_URL>/api/v2/Requests/<request_ID>) and provide the new value through the body of the request: { CustomFields: [ { Name: "Flag", Value: true } ] } where Flag is the name of the custom field to be update (in this case of type Boolean). Sending this request results in a "200 OK" response which I would expect to indicate a successful operation. However, the field did not get updated. I also tested a variety of flavors for the body (e.g. enclosing "Name", "Value" and true also in quotes or adding another parameter "customValues" to the body - as I have seen this in the response body of a GET request). Whatever I tried resulted in "200 OK" without the field being updated. I could even update "Name" in the above body to "Nome" and TargetProcess does still return "200 OK". Only if I change "Name" to "Na me" I get a "500 Internal Server Error". This is a very confusing behavior of the API. Is anyone able to explain this behavior? And - more important - can anyone tell me how the URL / body needs to look like to update such a custom field? Thx in advance for any help.

Basic Authentication Python

Hi, I want to connect to TP with a cloud datawarehouse to retrieve data from the API From the cloud data integration connection I insert the following fields for the initial authentication URL : http://my.tpondemand.com/ User : MyUser Pwd : MyPassword Root Path : Leave Balnk I have added the certificate from my.tpondemond.com and whitelisted the IP address by using the IP found after pinging mytpondemand.com I tested on my local PC with python to connect and it works when i use an access token https://my.tpondemand.com/api/v2/UserStories?format=json&access_token=xxxxxxxxxxhBQk1rRXNUNDZxS0NhbTBtK1pKaFFHV2M9 I also tested with success Excel connecting to web source https://my.tpondemand.com and giving the my username and password. What am I missing to connect my cloud data warehouse to TP via the API????

Add a "Team" to an "Agile Release Train" via JSON

I need to upload in bulk a lot of "Teams" to "Agile Release Trains" and therefore I would like to use a POST (I'm using Postman) request via JSON but I have difficulties writing the JSON code to add a "Team" as I suppose it's due to the fact it is an Array

Filter (in list view) with reference to parent

Hi, I would like to make list with all user stories were the Team that is assigned on User Story level is not assigned to the Feature of the User Story. I tried a DSL filter like this, but I don't find the correct syntax: ?Feature.AssignedTeams.Where(Team.Id is in "The collection of Teams assigned to the User Story") is false. As we have only one Team assigned on User Story, it could also be something like ?Not Feature.AssignedTeams.Where(Team.Id is "This UserStory.ResponsibleTeam.id") is false.

How to update the test results in the test run using api ?

I want to update the test steps using api based on the test step result(passed/failed) Is it possible , if yes, how to test that using Postman ?

How can i connect to api target process with python langage

Hello, I have a request , i try to connect with python and i'm using the requests library . But i have a bad request Can you help me please ? My script : import requests hostname = 'http://bedrock.tpondemand.com/' authenticationToken = 'NTY1OnN0Vzg5S1VVSHRGNndyeVkwM3Z6enNEbnU0YjdBNVc4UUdvNjhPKzN3M1E9' isTokenSetFromUserProfileTab = True takeCount = 10 entityTypeResourceName = 'userstories' filter = '' includeFields = '' headers = { 'content-type' : 'application/json', 'token': authenticationToken } dataUrl = f'{hostname}api/v1/{entityTypeResourceName}' print(dataUrl) r = requests.get(dataUrl, headers=headers) print(r.json) //////// Response <bound method Response.json of <Response [401]>>

User management automation process details required

i was exploring the target process tool and I have few Queries on User management automation process. Currently I can see manual method offered to add new users to the tool, but like to know what method you offer to get this automated ?

How do I pull the last 30 days of deletions of time entries, UserStories, Bugs and Tasks

How do I pull the last 30 days of deletions of time entries, UserStories, Bugs and Tasks