Setting up portfolioAssignments
is a dynamic component that can be used to display multiple groupings of entities that supports optional readonly mode and advanced filterings between several groupings.
Default behavior
By default, portfolioAssignments
uses one of 3 preconfigured setups depending on which entities are configured on the account, for 4 entity types. It displays groupings of Teams, Teams+Agile Release Trains, or Teams+Agile Release Trains+Solution Trains on detailed views for User Stories, Features, Epics and Portfolio Epics (or whichever terms are used to denote them).
Default behavior - Teams only
When Agile Release Trains and Solution Trains are not enabled for account, portfolioAssignments
only displays Team assignment:

This configuration is equivalent to using property.teams
component instead of portfolioAssignments
Default behavior - Teams+Agile Release Trains
When Agile Release Trains are enabled but Solution Trains are not enabled, portfolioAssignments
displays Team assignment and Agile Release Train assignment:

Note that "Squads" is a term for "Teams" here.
Note that
only checks that "Agile Release Train" entity is enabled on account. If it is detected, it assumes that all the necessary connections between work items (Portfolio Epics, Epics, Features and User Stories) and Agile Release Trains are also enabled. If that is not the case and you are using a non-standard entity configuration, please consider usingproperty.teams
instead, or applying a custom configuration.
would hide ART in the Assignments section.
In this configuration:
- User Stories display Agile Release Train from their Feature in read-only mode
- Features can only be assigned to a single Agile Release Train
- Epics and Portfolio Epics can be assignled to multiple Agile Release Trains
When Agile Release Train is assigned to the entity (in editable or readonly mode), Teams selector filters available Teams to only include Teams that are assigned to the same Agile Release Train. For example, if Team A is assigned to ART1, Team B is assigned to ART2 and Team C is assigned to ART1, when you assign a Feature to ART1, Teams selector will only allow assigning Team A and Team C.
When you select a team with no Agile Release Train assigned, it will be automatically updated to match Agile Release Train of selected Team. For example, if in previous example work item entity has no Agile Release Train, when Team A is assigned, ART1 will be also automatically assigned to it.
Default behavior - Teams+Agile Release Trains+Solution Trains
When Solution Trains are enabled, portfolioAssignments
displays Team assignment, Agile Release Train assignment and Solution Train assignment:
In this configuration:
- User Stories display Agile Release Train from their Feature in read-only mode
- User Stories display Solution Train from their Feature's Epic in read-only mode
- Features can be assigned to a single Agile Release Train
- Features display Solution Train from their Epic in read-only mode
- Epics can be assignled to multiple Agile Release Trains
- Epics can be assigned to a single Solution Train
- Portfolio Epics can be assigned to multiple Agile Release Trains
- Portfolio Epics can be assigned to multiple Solution Trains
All the filtering and auto-assignment logic also applies:
- When Solution Train is assigned, only ARTs from this Solution Train can be assigned, and only Teams from this Solution Train's ARTs can be assigned;
- When ART is assigned, only Teams from this ART can be assigned;
- When no Solution Train is assigned, assigning a work item to an ART automatically assigns it to this ART's Solution Train;
- When no ART is assigned, assigning a work item to a Team automatically assigns it to this Team's ART (this can also trigger the above update and automatically assign this ART's Solution Train, if it's not assigned)
Customizing portfolioAssignments
Default entity configurations can also be configured to support arbitrary entity type, connections, connection multiplicity, auto-assignment or filtering rules. To customize the logic of portfolioAssignments, it is possible to specify schemaConfig
property with entityListMetadata
and selectorConfig
This property configures which entity types are supported by the control, and how the list of entities is filtered when "plus" button is clicked. For example, consider default entityListMetadata
for Teams+Agile Release Train configuration:
Keys in entityListMetadata
correspond to an identifiable element of portfolioAssignments
Specifies all-lowercase entity type.
Specifies APIv2 query that is used to retrieve entity information. At the minimum, selected entities should include id
and name
properties. If any additional fields are required for filtering, they should also be present in the selector. In this example, selector for agileReleaseTrains
is pretty straightforward, while selector for teams
also includes an additional agileReleaseTrainId
property because it's necessary for filtering.
Is an array of filtering rules for the list of entities during assignment. Each filtering rule includes the following properties:
- specifies one of the keys ofentityListMetadata
to determine entity ID that will be used for filtering;on
- specifies property name in selector that will be matched againstselected
entity IDallowUnassigned
- when set totrue
, entity list will always contain entities withnull
values foron
When "allowClickable" is set to true , it makes the names of the shown entities clickable to open the entity.
Clickable entities are shown underlined with a dotted line.

allowClickable usage
Allows to customize labels. It is an optional parameter. Without a specified displayName
the label shows the value form Terms
Allows to specify the order in which entities are shown. A lower number will show it higher on the screen. When displayOrder
is not set, it is by default used 0.
For example, default filtering rules for teams
in the above example means the following:
- ID of currently selected
on the same control should be used for filtering; - Only Teams where
matches the ID of currently selectedagileReleaseTrain
should be visible; - Teams that are not assigned to any Agile Release Train (i.e. their
is null) should be visible in the list anyway.
For reference, default entityListMetadata
for Teams+Agile Release Trains+Solution Trains looks like this:
This configuration corresponds to all the rules previously described for filtering when Solution Trains are enabled.
This property configures relations between current work item and entity types from entityListMetadata
. For example, consider default entityTypesSelectorConfig
for Features with Teams+Agile Release Trains:
Each key in entityTypesSelectorConfig
should correspond to a key in entityListMetadata
. Every key describes the display of a single assignment or assignment list.
There are two primary types of assignment, as seen in this example - one
and many
, depending on the multiplicity of connections between work item and assignment entity.
When "type": "one"
is specified, configuration has the following properties:
- field name of a single reference;selector
- APIv2 selector that is used to retrieve assignment status from this work item, for object withid
- when present and set totrue
, "plus" button near entity type will be disabled.
When "type": "many"
is specified, configuration has the following properties:
- field name of collection;linkEntityTypeName
- entity type name of in-between link entity for many-to-many reference;projectionFieldName
- filed name that references opposite entity type on link entity type;selector
- APIv2 selector that produces a list of assigned entities to display, at the minimum should includeid
, and can include additional properties that can be used forparentAssignments
- a mapping where keys correspond to key inentityListMetadata
and values specify a property name from the list of assigned entites.
For the above example:
- Only one Agile Release Train is displayed;
- It corresponds to
field of current entity (Feature in our example); - Multiple teams are displayed;
- Teams list dsiplays items from
property of current entity; - In-between entity for many-to-many connection between Teams and Features is
; - Field that references Team entity on
- For each element selector produces
of Team,name
of Team,linkId
contains ID of in-between entity (teamAssignment
) andagileReleaseTrainId
is additionally retrieved for parent assignment; - Whenever team is selected, its
is used to update the field configured byagileReleaseTrain
key, which means that Agile Release Train of selected Team will be automatically assigned to the Feature.
For a more complex example and reference, consider configuration for Teams+Agile Release Trains+Solution Trains for Epics:
Non-standard entity configuration
While default portfolioAssignments
is configured to work with Teams, Agile Release Trains and Solution Trains, configuration is flexible enough to support any entity types and any types of relations between work items and assigned entities.
Consider the following example:
"type": "portfolioAssignments",
"schemaConfig": {
"entityListMetadata": {
"solutionTrains": {
"entityTypeName": "solutiontrain",
"query": "solutionTrain?select={id,name}"
"agileReleaseTrains": {
"entityTypeName": "agilereleasetrain",
"filterBy": [
"selected": "solutionTrains",
"on": "solutionTrainId"
"query": "agileReleaseTrain?select={id,name,}"
"teams": {
"entityTypeName": "team",
"filterBy": [
"selected": "agileReleaseTrains",
"on": "agileReleaseTrainId"
"selected": "solutionTrains",
"on": "solutionTrainId"
"query": "team?select={id,name,,,icon}",
"iconComponent": "TeamIcon"
"entityTypesSelectorConfig": {
"solutionTrains": {
"type": "many",
"fieldName": "newPortfolioEpicSolutionTrains",
"projectionFieldName": "solutionTrain",
"linkEntityTypeName": "newPortfolioEpicSolutionTrain",
"selector": "{linkId:id,,})"
"agileReleaseTrains": {
"type": "many",
"fieldName": "newPortfolioEpicAgileReleaseTrains",
"projectionFieldName": "agileReleaseTrain",
"linkEntityTypeName": "newPortfolioEpicAgileReleaseTrain",
"selector": "{linkId:id,,,})",
"parentAssignments": {
"solutionTrains": "solutionTrainId"
"teams": {
"type": "many",
"fieldName": "assignedTeams",
"projectionFieldName": "team",
"linkEntityTypeName": "teamAssignment",
"selector": "{linkId:id,,,,,icon:team.icon})",
"parentAssignments": {
"agileReleaseTrains": "agileReleaseTrainId",
"solutionTrains": "solutionTrainId"
"componentId": "portfolioAssignments_9d92iok"
This configuration replicates the default behavior for Portfolio Epics for non-standard "New Portfolio Epic" entity and corresponding reference property names (newPortfolioEpicAgileReleaseTrains
, newPortfolioEpicSolutionTrains
Consider the following example to have Value Streams added in the Assignments section of Portfolio Epic:
"type": "portfolioAssignments",
"componentId": "portfolioAssignments_MzWTjmn6LMJkk766",
"schemaConfig": {
"queryId": "valueStreams",
"selectorConfig": {
"vs": {
"type": "many",
"fieldName": "valueStreamPortfolioEpics",
"projectionFieldName": "valueStream",
"linkEntityTypeName": "ValueStreamPortfolioEpic",
"selector": "{linkId:id,,})"
"entityListMetadata": {
"vs": {
"entityTypeName": "valuestream",
"query": "valuestream?select={id,name}&orderby=name"
The same code section is added to the detailed view when the Value stream solution is installed. Code works when it has queryId
present in it.
Updated 11 months ago