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Time tracker: allow assignables in its initial state to show up in the time tracker list if it's project process does not support iteration


I have a project where its process does not support iterations. I created a task in this project which is in the Open state but it's not showing up in the time tracker table.

I tracked it down to the following line in the Time Tracker mashups loadAssignables() function.

                    // Abort if
                    //     it's an initial state ('Open' is an initial state) AND
                    //     it's not assigned to an iteration
                    if (a.EntityState.IsInitial && a.Iteration == null) {

What this should really be is:

                    // Abort if
                    //    it's an initial state ('Open' is an initial state) AND
                    //    it's not assigned to an iteration OR
                    //       its project process does not support Iterations
                    if (a.EntityState.IsInitial && a.Iteration == null && <process support iter>) {

How do I do this?

There's little to no documentation on the Process entity.

It'd be nice if I can do this

if (a.EntityState.IsInitial && a.Iteration == null &&
    a.Project.Process.Practices.find(function(elem) { return elem.Name == "Iterations"; }) == null) {

However, the Project object does not contain a reference to the Process.

How do I go about doing this?
