
Changes in API v1

Currently, the result of API v1 modification may depend on the order of JSON/XML fields specified in the request. This behavior is getting fixed.


Deprecating non-compliant JSON in incoming requests

Historically, Targetprocess API supported non-standard JSON in incoming requests. The most prominent example is omitting quotes around field names and using multi-line strings. For example, the following API v1 request was allowed:


Retiring of custom fields v1

The transition from custom fields v1 to v2


Streaming Service

We now have available a streaming service that allows users to export data from Targetprocess via APIv2 read calls, without paging and without impacting the overall performance.


Changes to working with Tags in Automation Rules


The fixes will be rolled out to all public clouds in the beginning of April, 2020


Retiring of Webhooks

The time has come for the Webhooks plugin to retire. It is being replaced with the Automation Rules, which can do everything Webhooks did and a lot more.


Changes in History APIv2 in Targetprocess 3.13.8

Ever since we have introduced the notion of Simple History in the version 3.10.9, we have kept both endpoints /api/v2/*histories and /api/v2/*simplehistories to point to Simple History resource for the purpose of back compatibility.


Changes in History APIv1 in Targetprocess 3.13.5

Ever since we have introduced the notion of Simple History in the version 3.10.9, we have kept both endpoints /api/v1/*histories and /api/v1/*simplehistories to point to Simple History resource for the purpose of back compatibility.


System custom fields in Targetprocess 3.11.6

Starting with Targetprocess version 3.11.6 you can mark a custom field as System:


New field for Comments in Webhooks in Targetprocess 3.11.6: RawDescription

Starting from Targetprocess 3.11.6 there is one more field available for Comments in Webhooks: RawDescription. The difference between Description and RawDescription field is only in the way it handles @mentions in comments.