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Embedded pages mashup - question on config and custom field

Hi I am reading this page https://www.targetprocess.com/guide/integrations/embedded-pages/ and I really like it However, I don't get how to change a mashup config which can embed a link to an entity. How does the Google Doc custom field should look like? Is it a text?

Control what tickets are shown in timesheets

Staff at my company are constantly having issues with not being able to find tasks they have worked on in the timesheets. One of the main reasons is that they are not assigned to the ticket however they may have commented on the ticket and therefore done work on it but it does not show in their timesheets. I came across the following on one of your help pages: `##When an entity appears in a Time Sheet? Time Tracking practice is enabled for a Process your Project follows AND the item is assigned to the Project or the Team you're a member of AND at least one of the following is true: You have posted time to this item this week OR The item is assigned to you AND The item belongs to a current sprint (Iteration) If an item does not belong to Iteration or Team Iteration - the work on the item is in progress. When the state is entity is Initial/New/Open, or Planned, or Final/Done/Closed the item will be hidden from the Time Sheet. (for REQUESTS only) the item was closed during this week` Is there anyway of customising this so it will show tickets that have been commented on?

Hi, Is there a way to have custom fields of other entities higher in the hierarchy in views? For example, I have a custom field in 'Programs' and I want to have a view with 'Projects' as cards, the program custom field as lane and the project state. Thanks!


REST API in Curl

Hey I was using TP's api to update some fields I got them successfully working in Postman rest client: https://myaccount.tpondemand.com/api/v1/Assignables/7246?include=[EntityType[Name]]&access_token=MTM..... Now i want to use this in curl command: curl -k -H "access_token:MTM..." -i "[EntityType[Name]]" "https://myaccount.tpondemand.com/api/v1/Assignables/7246" This gives me the following error: curl: (3) [globbing] bad range in column 2 then a lot of json and XML response i am getting

Incorrect format of returnet by request data

In my code I execute the following request to target process REST API: /TestPlanRuns/{id}?resultFormat=json&resultInclude=[Id,TestPlanRuns[Id,TestPlan],TestCaseRuns[Id,TestCase]] Until 02 march this request returned data in the json format (as it is provided in request), but after this date I receive data in XML format. Is this a known issues or have somethings changed in the parameters of this request?

API Last Modified Date for multiple entities

I am trying to get the last modified date for a number of entities using the API. As I have multiple entities i would like to retrieve all the data at once if possible. The entities may also be of different types (user story, task, etc.) So for example if i have a User Story with ID 1 and a Task with ID 2 and another Task with id 3 is there any way of using the history api to get all of the last modified dates of these entities without having to do a lookup for each of them individually.

Get URL of Bug or Task using API

I could get JSON info about bugs of project. But I need to get URLs of this bugs. How could I do this using your API?

Mashup: Hide columns on detail views

I am attempting to hide the effort and progress columns on the detail views of features and releases (user story and bug tabs). The following code removes the columns however this code is executed at the load mashups screen which is well before the detailed views finish rendering on screen. Therefore, this code has no effect on those columns. tau.mashups .addDependency('Underscore') .addDependency('jQuery') .addDependency('tau/core/bus.reg') .addDependency('tau/configurator') .addMashup(function(_, $, reg, configurator) { 'use strict'; var addBusListener = function(busName, eventName, listener) { reg.on('create', function(e, data) { var bus = data.bus; if (bus.name === busName) { bus.on(eventName, listener); } }); reg.on('destroy', function(e, data) { var bus = data.bus; if (bus.name === busName) { bus.removeListener(eventName, listener); } }); }; var hideColumns = function() { addBusListener('board.editor.container', 'afterRender', function(e, data) { data.element.find(".tau-list-effort_total-unit").remove(); data.element.find(".tau-list-effort_total-cell").remove(); data.element.find(".tau-list-progress_long-unit").remove(); data.element.find(".tau-list-progress_long-cell").remove(); alert("Hide Columns Activated"); }); }; hideColumns(); }); Questions: 1) Is there a better listener to use that will trigger my code after the detail views load? Or is there a better approach to achieving this? 2) Is there a full list of available listeners that your team has documented?

Mashup: How to use BugSimpleHistories or UserStorySimpleHistories

I am building a suite of custom units and have had no luck in using the history objects in them. I am attempting to access BugSimpleHistories like I would when working with other entities, for example: model: 'item:BugSimpleHistories.count()', I have tried alternate approaches, learning from the history objects from the reporting UI, however this does not function either: model: 'item:BugSimpleHistories.CurrentBug.times.Where(Role.Name is "Developer").count()', Similar approaches to other entities work correctly: model: 'featureestimate:features.sum(initialestimate)', What approach should I take to work successfully with history objects?

Can a test case be associated with more than one test plan?

Is this possible?