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Item connected to multiple projects cannot be found

I have two projects sharing the some milestones. When I do a query for the milestones I get different results. In Project 1234 I get all milestones. In Project 5555 I only get the ones that are not included in 1234. My Query looks like this (with some additional paramters): /api/v1/projects/1234/releases In the web interface I can see that 1234 is listed first on that milestone. This looks like a bug to me. Is there any way to get all releases connected to 5555 regardless of which other Projects they are also connected to?

Getting the TestPlan(Run) order via API

In a TestPlan it is possible to control the order the child TestPlans and TestCases are listed, is it possible to retrieve this order via the API v1 For example when getting a TestPlan is there a field to include which indicates it's order position in it's parent TestPlan?

Tagging a User Story if a certain user amends it?

Is there a way to tag a user story automatically if a certain user moves the user story to a different state or release?

Autenticate via Bearer authentication header?

Hello! We recently changed our TP installation so that it uses Azure AD authentication with SSO/SAML. We have some C# .net applications that connects to TP via the REST API. Would it be possible to authenticate via the Microsoft Identity Framework? I did some tests using the AcquireTokenInteractive method against the TargetProcess app in Azure AD, and has succeded in getting an access token. However, this token is not respected by TP when added to the headers (Bearer). Would it be possible to use this approach or is it TP's own access tokens that is the only solution?

Upload attachment with System user token

Hi, I am trying to upload attachment to UploadFile.ashx with token authentication (Token was obtained for a system user) but the response returned is Unathorized. However when I use my access token the response returned is Success. What can be the issue here with my token authentication please? (Request url for upload looks like this: https://mysite.tpondemand.com/UploadFile.ashx?token=MYSYSTEMUSERTOKEN)

TimeTracker question

Hi all, related with TimeTracker mashup, what about if I want to get all entities assigned to me (task, request..) in the current team iteration without filtering on this condition: "The responsible role for the current state of the item matches the role that the current user is assigned as." I'm not able to modify the query opportunely. Thanks all

How Does One Get The Test Case Run Ids For A Newly Created Test Plan

I am trying to write an integration to record my test plan runs into the targetprocess system. However I am running into a road block when creating/recording the status of a test case. I am calling the TestPlanRuns Endpoint with the following url/body. Endpoint: "/api/v1/TestPlanRuns/?token={ApiToken}" Body: {"TestPlan": {"Id": 3456}} When I call this endpoint it starts a testplan and I get a response that has the TestPlanRunId for the TestPlanId that was passed in the request. However, I do not get the TestCaseRunIds with their matching TestCaseIds for the newly created Run on the response. I need this info to be able to record the status of each TestCaseId onto that test plan run. Note: I have tried calling the EndPoint with the following Url like the documentation(https://dev.targetprocess.com/docs/api-v1-usecases-testing-module) has stated "/api/v1/TestPlanRuns?resultFormat=json&resultInclude=[Id,TestCaseRuns[Id,TestCase]]/?token={ApiToken}". However, I get an error when calling the endpoint like this. Is there Something else I need to pass on the request to get this information or is there an endpoint I can call to get the pairing of TestCaseIds:TestCaseRunIds for a particular TestPlanRunId?

Time tracker: allow assignables in its initial state to show up in the time tracker list if it's project process does not support iteration

I have a project where its process does not support iterations. I created a task in this project which is in the Open state but it's not showing up in the time tracker table. I tracked it down to the following line in the Time Tracker mashups `loadAssignables()` function. ``` // Abort if // it's an initial state ('Open' is an initial state) AND // it's not assigned to an iteration if (a.EntityState.IsInitial && a.Iteration == null) { return; } ``` What this should really be is: ``` // Abort if // it's an initial state ('Open' is an initial state) AND // it's not assigned to an iteration OR // its project process does not support Iterations if (a.EntityState.IsInitial && a.Iteration == null && <process support iter>) { return; } ``` How do I do this? There's little to no documentation on the Process entity. It'd be nice if I can do this ``` if (a.EntityState.IsInitial && a.Iteration == null && a.Project.Process.Practices.find(function(elem) { return elem.Name == "Iterations"; }) == null) { return; } ``` However, the Project object does not contain a reference to the Process. How do I go about doing this? Thanks

How to implement copy-to-clipboard

I am really impressed by your "Copy link" tooltip that copies the link to an entity to clipboard. This functionality is very challenging when trying to implement it for various browsers. I installed your tau-tooltip from github, but I struggle to implement the copying. Would you be so kind and help me a bit?

Is that possible to create markdown template ?

I would like to create a markdown template and apply in the description of tasks. I don't want to write main template for each task. Is that possible to create a template inside of target process and apply it ?