Custom Fields
There are two possibilities to get custom fields from api v2:
CustomValues["Custom Field Name"]
- the response will include custom field value onlyCustomValues.Get("Custom Field Name")
- the response will include custom field value with some info about the field.
For instance, we have Date custom field named DateCF defined for UserStory:
"items": [
"id": 22 // This UserStory has no DateCF custom field defined in a UserStory's Process, so there is no such filed in the returned item
"id": 11, // This UserStory has a custom field DateCF, but the field is empty, so the response
"dateCF": { // will include only dateCF item with name, type and entityKind, but without a value
"name": "DateCF",
"type": "Date",
"entityKind": "UserStory"
} // ... and will not unclide a dateCFRaw values because it is equal to null and null values are omited
"id": 8,
"dateCF": {
"name": "DateCF",
"type": "Date",
"entityKind": "UserStory",
"value": "\/Date(1415826000000+0300)\/" // This userStory has DateCF field with value set
"dateCFRaw": "\/Date(1415826000000+0300)\/"
API v2 is tolerate for custom fields - if there is no such custom field defined for the entity, API v2 will not fail, just no return the custom field value.
Custom fields are not supported in filters in general. The only supported filter kind is to check whether the custom field is set or not:
Updated about 1 month ago