Working with Custom Fields
Those are the different types of custom fiels which are used in the examples for this article:

Select all Custom fields
"name":"Cleanup Sample Data link",
{ "name":"Cost", "type":"Money", "value":123.0 },
{ "name":"External ID", "type":"Number", "value":35679.0 },
{ "name":"Browser", "type":"MultipleSelectionList", "value":"Chrome" },
{ "name":"External reference", "type":"Text", "value":"US-6366" },
{ "name":"External link", "type":"TemplatedURL", "value":"6366" },
"name":"External Doc",
"label":"Guide article"
{ "name":"Acceptance Criteria", "type":"RichText", "value":"<div>Everything should work perfectly</div>" },
{ "name":"Class", "type":"DropDown", "value":"B" },
{ "name":"Billed", "type":"CheckBox", "value":true },
{ "name":"Billing Date", "type":"Date", "value":null },
"name":"Hot fix",
"name":"Summer Summit US 2015",
{ "name":"Next story", "type":"Text", "value":"6387 userstory,3527 userstory" },
{ "name":"Expense", "type":"Number", "value":1476.0000 }
Select one or several custom fields
All the names of the custom fields should be used without spaces
"items": [
"name": "Cleanup Sample Data link",
"billed": true,
"class": "B",
"externalLink": "6366",
"cost": 123.0,
"externalDoc": {
"label": "Guide article",
"uri": ""
"expense": 1476.0000,
"nextstory": "6387 userstory,3527 userstory"
If there is no such custom field defined for the entity, you will get BadRequest
"Status": "BadRequest",
"Message": "Property 'DueDate' does not exist in 'UserStory'.",
"Type": "Presentational",
"Details": {
"Items": [
"Type": "Simple",
"Message": {
"Token": "Property '{property}' does not exist in '{type}'.",
"Data": {
"property": "DueDate",
"type": "UserStory"
"Value": "Property 'DueDate' does not exist in 'UserStory'."
"ErrorId": "674cbbd7-2192-47ac-b08f-8541f3ad179c"
It is also possible to get the value of one custom field value from CustomValues collection:
This approach is considered deprecated.
Filter by Custom Fields
Field type | Usage | Examples |
Money Number | As any other number field | Cost>10 ExternalID!=null |
Text RichText DropDown | As any text field | Externalreference!=null AcceptanceCriteria.Contains("perfectly") Class="B" |
MultipleSelectionList | As a text field, which consists of all the selected options combines into one string separated by comma | - to show items where ONLY this option is selected: Browser="Safari" - to show items where this option is selected Browser.Contains("Safari") |
CheckBox | As any other boolean field | Billed=true Billed=false |
Date | As any other date field | BillingDate!=null BillingDate>Today BillingDate<Today.AddDays(5) BillingDate>DateTime.Parse("2018-10-31") |
Template URL | As a text field, without the template part (value only) | Externallink!=null Externallink="6366-df" |
URL | It only possible to check if the value is set | ExternalDoc!=null ExternalDoc=null |
Entity | As a number field, which is ID of the entity | Hotfix!=null Hotfix=null Hotfix.Id=2338 |
MultipleEntities | It only possible to check if the value is set | Nextstory!=null Nextstory=null |
Calculated* | Depending on the result: - as a Number - as a Date - as a Text | Expense>0 Expense=null Expense!=null |
*When possible, it's recommended to use Metrics instead of Calculated Custom Fields
Order by Custom Fields
Updated over 4 years ago