CSV Import

CSV Import from Apptio One (via ADM -Automated Data Management-) or from a local CSV file

CSV Import can be found in the section SETTINGS >> CONNECTION >> Integrations.
Note: To access this section Admin permissions are needed.

The basic documentation for both CSV Import and Export can be found here: Targetprocess Guide

To get predefined sets of CSV files and JSON examples please click here: Targetprocess Github

Integration users import

In order to import integration users the following code must be added to the JSON mapping:

          tpFieldName: 'IsIntegration',
          csvColumnName: 'IsIntegration',
          skipTpValidation: true

Importing files with date, time, and timezones

When importing data, including dates, the system behaves differently depending on the date format in the CSV file and on the local Targetprocess timezone. It is recommended to import dates without including the time.

Targetprocess doesn't show the complete time and date on the user interface (UI), but you can access it through API.

Examples of the imported date, time and timezones:
*Note that "Targetproces local time" refers to the timezone of the server where the Targetprocess account is hosted, not the timezone of the user's web browser.

local timezone*
Date formatCSV InputResults in Targetprocess
00:00Date without timezone
and time
00:00Date without timezone
but with time
00:00Date with timezone
and time in UTC (ending with Z)
00:00Date with timezone
and time other than UTC
-08:00Date without timezone
and time
-08:00Date without timezone
but with time
-08:00Date with timezone
and time in UTC (ending with Z)
-08:00Date with timezone
and time other than UTC
+08:00Date without timezone
and time
+08:00Date without timezone
but with time
+08:00Dates with timezone
and time in UTC (ending with Z)
+08:00Date with timezone
and time other than UTC


  • The maximum number of relations that can be used in an import mapping is: 10
    (9 relations can be assigned to the entity)
  • The maximum file size for an import .csv file is: 15MB
    (If the .csv file contains 5 columns, the approximate number of rows is 20k)
  • The Import rate is limited to max.: 240 records per minute (create/update)
  • Import operations cannot be executed in parallel. One import operation is executed at a time.