Mashup: External link
To be added at Settings -> Mashups with the default footerplaceholder
The link is specified in line 11.
The title that will appear in the detailed view is specified in line 12.
.addMashup(function(React,registerReactComponent,LayoutContextConsumer,useEntityQuery) {
type: 'externaWiki',
component: function(props) {
const link = "";
const title = "Incident escalation procedures";
return React.createElement("a", {
className:"tau-linkentity tau-linkentity_type_full",
href: link,
title: title,
target: "_blank"
}, title);
The type of the component was defined in the mashup in line 8:
"type": "externaWiki"

Here is how it will look in the UI of the detailed view:

Updated over 2 years ago