Upload Attachments
Create Attachments
It is possible to upload attachments using REST API:
POST /UploadFile.ashx
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Content: File
Parameters: generalId
An example could be found at
C# : https://github.com/TargetProcess/RestAPISamples/tree/master/C%23/RestSharp
Python: https://github.com/TargetProcess/RestAPISamples/blob/master/Python/Upload_attachments.py
Upload Attachments via cURL
You can upload attachments for the entity (entity ID = 42) via the following cURL request
curl -u username:password --url "https://youraccount.tpondemand.com/UploadFile.ashx" -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "generalid=42" -F "file=@C:\Users\PCuser\Downloads\image.png" -F "file=@C:\Users\PCuser\Downloads\image2.png"
Please pay attention the file path may differ depending on the OS you use
Updated over 2 years ago