Examples: Actions in Targetprocess
Assign users
Assign users to a parent when they are working on its child
Assign an item to the Person who started it
Assign the people working on a parent to a newly created child
Change states of items
Close a request when all related items are closed
Close User Stories that stayed more than 10 days in a particular state
Close all children when the parent was closed
Close an item when all its children are closed
Close an item on its Planned End Date
Move an item to Blocked state
Move an item to “Planned” state when its Release / Iteration / Team Iteration is set
Move an item to “Planned” state when its Planned Start Date is set
Open User Story when one of its Bugs becomes open
Reopen a Request when replied by a requester
Start the parent item when a child item has been started
Start an item when time is added on it
Start items on their Planned Start date
Update Team State of the Entity when a Team is assigned to it
Create new items
Create a Related Bug for new Requests
Create a set of Tasks under a User Story based on template
Create pre-defined hierarchy for new Projects
Planning and estimation
Calculate Planned End Date based on Initial Estimate or Effort
Inherit Planned Dates from children to parents
Inherit Planned Dates from parents to children
Limit Planned Dates based on Relations
Move an item to “Planned” state when its Release / Iteration / Team Iteration is set
Move an item to “Planned” state when its Planned Start Date is set
Reschedule work items in a Release / Iteration / Team Iteration
Set Velocity for new Team Iterations from effort of previous Team Iterations of the Team
Set default effort
Set Planned Dates based on Iteration/Release/Team Iteration dates
Work hierarchy
Assign a Feature's Project to a User Story
Assign a User Story's Feature to a Bug
Assign a bug to a current Release/Team Iteration
Assign Project's Teams to a newly created item
Create pre-defined hierarchy for new Projects
Inherit Tags from a parent to its children
Inherit Team from parent to all its children
Inherit Team Iteration (Release/Iteration) from a parent to its children
Inherit Release/Iteration/Team Iteration from children to its parent
Inherit Planned Dates from children to parents
Inherit Planned Dates from parents to children
Inherit Portfolio Epic from Epic to its Features
Inherit relations from child to parents
Incoming Webhooks
create bug and attach to user story from incoming webhook
Add an automatic comment when a Request is closed
Entity Templates
Follow items automatically
Move requests to particular project based on recipient email
Post a comment when an item is split
Reminders in comments
Set Found In Release/Team Iteration fields for Bugs
Estimation: Save Happiness Score result to a custom field
Set custom field for Request based on requester's domain
Updated about 1 year ago