Working with Dates

Date formats and timezones

While working with dates there are three possible formats you can get them in:

  • Microsoft JSON Date Format
  • ISO Format with timezone support
  • ISO Format without timezone support


All these formats can be also used in API v.1

Microsoft JSON Date Format (default one)


  "items": [
      "plannedEndDate": "\/Date(1517525999000+0100)\/"

ISO Format with timezone support


Targetprocess server timezone is shown


  "items": [
      "plannedEndDate": "2018-02-01T23:59:59+01:00"


If you're using On-Demand account, you can check below your server timezone (with and without Daylight Saving Time). Private cloud customers can contact for such information

Targetprocess serverTimezoneTimezone (with DST)
Amsterdam (EU)CET (UTC +1)CEST (UTC +2)
Dallas (US)CST (UTC -6)CDT (UTC -5)
Melbourne (AU)AEST (UTC +10)AEDT (UTC +11)
PortlandCET (UTC -5)CET (UTC -4)
DublinIST(UTC +1)IST(UST +2)

ISO Format without timezone support


  "items": [
      "plannedEndDate": "2018-02-01T23:59:59"

Filter by Dates

FilterWhat it does?
PlannedEndDate!=nullChecks if PlannedEndDate is not empty
PlannedEndDate=nullChecks if PlannedEndDate is empty
PlannedEndDate>TodayChecks if PlannedEndDate is later than today
PlannedEndDate<Today.AddDays(5)Checks if PlannedEndDate is before 5 days from today
PlannedEndDate>Today.AddDays(-5)Checks if PlannedEndDate is within the last 5 days
PlannedEndDate>DateTime.Parse("2018-10-31")Checks if PlannedEndDate is after 31st of October 2018