Using componentFactory for dynamic filtering

componentFactory has different capabilities and one of them is an opportunity to retrieve information from context object

Context.entity object, among other things, contains Id and Name of the opened entity detailed view. These parameters can be used to apply visibilityConfig dynamically.

Mashup sample looks like this

  .addMashup(function (React, registerReactComponent) {
      type: 'my-awesome-component',
      component: function (props) {
        const { componentFactory, config } = props;
        const entityNewListConfig = {
          // Define Detailed View component config here
        return componentFactory.createElement(entityNewListConfig)

registerReactComponent creates a new component with themy-awesome-component type that can contain other components (in our case - a component for detailed view config). It can be done by passing a JSON-like object to thecomponentFactory.createElement

Id and Name of the entity are stored in the componentFactory.context.entityobject

So the example of filterDisplay property will look like this == ${}

It can also be used in entityQuerySelectorproperty of visibilityConfig

Example of Native entity -> ExD entity -> Native entity configuration

Let's say we have the following hierarchy Feature -> Dev Phases (ExD) -> User Stories. And we need to have an inner list on Feature detailed view with Dev Phases -> User Stories displayed.

The following Detailed View config will not allow us to do it due to the nature of Native <-> ExD entities relation. It will show all Dev Phases (or all User Stories) in the account regardless of what their Feature is:

  "type": "component",
  "component": "",
  "properties": {
    "name": "userstories",
    "definition": {
      "x": {
        "types": [
      "entityAxisId": "extendable_domain_one_to_many_feature_feature",
      "cells": {
        "types": [

A solution for that is to register a new component, apply a dynamic filter by Feature ID and use it in the Detailed View settings instead:

  .addMashup(function (React, registerReactComponent) {
      type: 'my-awesome-component',
      component: function (props) {
        const { componentFactory, config } = props;
        const entityNewListConfig = {
          "type": "component",
          "component": "",
          "properties": {
            "name": "userstories",
            "definition": {
              "x": {
                "types": [
              "entityAxisId": "extendable_domain_one_to_many_feature_feature",
              "cells": {
                "types": [
                "useFilter": true,
                "filterDisplay": `?Feature.Id is ${}`
        return componentFactory.createElement(entityNewListConfig)

And use this component in the detailed view config: { "type": "my-awesome-component" }

Using data from API calls

You can retrieve more data using REST API calls and use it in your component.

  .addMashup(function (React, registerReactComponent, appPath, configurator) {
      type: 'my-awesome-component',
      component: function (props) {
        const {componentFactory, config} = props;
        const apiQuery = `feature?select={state:EntityState.Name}&where=(Id = ${})`;
        const [data, setData] = React.useState(null);
        const apiUrl = appPath.get() + '/api/v2/';
        React.useEffect(() => {
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(resp => {
        }, []);
        if (!data) {
          return null
        const entityNewListConfig = {
          "type": "component",
          "component": "",
          "properties": {
            "name": "userstories",
            "definition": {
              "x": {
                "types": [
              "entityAxisId": "extendable_domain_one_to_many_feature_feature",
              "cells": {
                "types": [
                "useFilter": true,
                "filterDisplay": `?Feature.EntityState.Name is '${data.state}'`
        return componentFactory.createElement(entityNewListConfig);

Simply adjust the apiQuery variable and use it in filterDisplay or visibilityConfig properties. All the information from REST API call will be passed to the data variable.