Example: Map Jira Worklog to Targetprocess time
Transforms Jira issue worklog to Targetprocess time entity. When worlkog changes delete all the time records from the target entity and creates new one with target spent/remaining from Jira.
Transformation from Jira to Targetprocess:
if (!args.value.changed) {
const proxySvc = context.getService('workSharing/v2')
const tpApi = context.getService('targetprocess/api/v2')
const proxy = proxySvc.getProxy(args.targetTool)
const timeResponse = await tpApi.queryAsync('time', {
where: `assignable.id = ${args.targetEntity.sourceId}`
const tpEntityId = parseInt(args.targetEntity.sourceId)
const entityResponse = await tpApi.getByIdAsync(args.targetEntity.entityType, tpEntityId, {
select: '{{owner.id,owner.kind} as owner, project}'
const { owner, project } = entityResponse
if (project) {
const timeRecordOwnerId = owner && owner.kind.toLowerCase() === 'user' ? owner.id : 1 // set any default user id which will be used as time records onwer here
const deleteCommands = timeResponse.map(tr => ({
name: 'DeleteResource',
target: {
Id: tr.id,
ResourceType: 'Time'
// developer
const role = {
id: 1
const createCommand = {
name: 'createResource',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Time',
assignable: { id: tpEntityId },
project: { id: project.id },
user: { id: timeRecordOwnerId },
description: 'Created by ILI integration',
spent: args.value.changed.timeSpentSeconds / 3600,
remain: args.value.changed.remainingEstimateSeconds / 3600,
const batchCommand = {
name: 'batch',
commands: [...deleteCommands, createCommand]
await proxy.postAsync('/api/commands/v1/execute', {body: batchCommand})
Cloud Version:
if (!args.value.changed) {
const proxySvc = context.getService('workSharing/v2')
const tpApi = context.getService('targetprocess/api/v2')
const proxy = proxySvc.getProxy(args.targetTool)
const timeResponse = await tpApi.queryAsync('time', {
where: `assignable.id = ${args.targetEntity.sourceId}`
const tpEntityId = parseInt(args.targetEntity.sourceId)
const entityResponse = await tpApi.getByIdAsync(args.targetEntity.entityType, tpEntityId, {
select: '{{owner.id,owner.kind} as owner, project}'
const { owner, project } = entityResponse
if (project) {
const timeRecordOwnerId = owner && owner.kind.toLowerCase() === 'user' ? owner.id : 1 // set any default user id which will be used as time records onwer here
const deleteCommands = timeResponse.map(tr => ({
name: 'DeleteResource',
target: {
Id: tr.id,
ResourceType: 'Time'
// developer
const role = {
id: 1
const timeSpentSeconds = args.value.changed.timeSpentSeconds ?? 0
const timeremainingEstimateSeconds = args.value.changed.remainingEstimateSeconds ?? 0
const createCommand = {
name: 'createResource',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Time',
assignable: { id: tpEntityId },
project: { id: project.id },
user: { id: timeRecordOwnerId },
description: 'Created by ILI integration',
spent: timeSpentSeconds / 3600,
remain: timeremainingEstimateSeconds / 3600,
const batchCommand = {
name: 'batch',
commands: [...deleteCommands, createCommand]
await proxy.postAsync('/api/commands/v1/execute', {body: batchCommand}).catch(e=> {
More examples in GitHub library of JS mappings and routings samples.
Updated over 1 year ago