Assign users to a parent when they are working on its child


How to apply this rule?

Assign a User to a User Story when he is assigned to a Task

    "type": "source:targetprocess:EntityChanged",
    "entityTypes": [
    "modifications": {
      "created": true,
      "deleted": false,
      "updated": false
    "or": [
        "and": [
            "value": {
              "type": "constant",
              "value": "Task"
            "target": {
              "name": "Name",
              "type": "field",
              "target": {
                "name": "EntityType",
                "type": "field",
                "target": {
                  "name": "Assignable",
                  "type": "field",
                  "target": {
                    "type": "pipelineBlockOutput"
            "operator": {
              "type": "is"
    "type": "filter:Relational"
    "type": "action:JavaScript",
    "script": "const roleId = args.Current.Role.Id;\nconst userId = args.Current.GeneralUser.Id;\nconst taskId = args.Current.Assignable.Id;\n\n//get the id of the task's user story if is still not assigned to the user\nconst api = context.getService(\"targetprocess/api/v2\");\nconst queryResult = await api.queryAsync(\"userStory\", {\n  \"select\": \"{ userStoryId: id, projectId: }\",\n  \"where\": `tasks.count(id = ${taskId}) > 0 and assignments.count( = ${roleId} and = ${userId}) = 0`\n});\n\nif (!queryResult.length) {\n  return;\n}\n\nconst { userStoryId, projectId } = queryResult[0];\n\n//get the list of available Roles for User Story Assignments\nconst roleIds = await api.queryAsync(\"RoleEntityTypeProcessSetting\", {\n  select: \"\",\n  where: ` = \"userStory\" and process.projects.count(id = ${projectId}) > 0 and CanBeAssigned = True`,\n  result: \"distinct\"\n});\n\nif (roleIds.includes(roleId)) {\n  return {\n    command: \"targetprocess:CreateResource\",\n    payload: {\n      resourceType: \"Assignment\",\n      fields: {\n        Assignable: { id: userStoryId },\n        Role: { id: roleId },\n        GeneralUser: { id: userId }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}"

Assign the people working on a Task to its User Story when the User Story is set

    "type": "source:targetprocess:EntityChanged",
    "entityTypes": [
    "modifications": {
      "created": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "updated": [
    "or": [
        "and": [
            "value": null,
            "target": {
              "name": "UserStory",
              "type": "field",
              "target": {
                "type": "pipelineBlockOutput"
            "operator": {
              "type": "exists"
    "type": "filter:Relational"
    "type": "action:JavaScript",
    "script": "const taskId = args.ResourceId;\nconst userStoryId = args.Current.UserStory.Id;\nconst projectId = args.Current.Project.Id;\n\n// get the list of task's and user story's assignments\nconst api = context.getService(\"targetprocess/api/v2\");\nconst assignments = await api.queryAsync(\"assignment\", {\n  select: \"{ assignableId:, roleId:, userId: }\",\n  where: ` in [${userStoryId}, ${taskId}]`\n});\n\n//get the list of available Roles for User Story Assignments\nconst roleIds = await api.queryAsync(\"RoleEntityTypeProcessSetting\", {\n  select: \"\",\n  where: ` = \"userStory\" and process.projects.count(id = ${projectId}) > 0 and CanBeAssigned = True`,\n  result: \"distinct\"\n});\n\n// user story assignments only\nconst userStoryAssignments = assignments.filter(assignment => assignment.assignableId === userStoryId);\n\n// task assignments only\nconst taskAssignments = assignments.filter(assignment => assignment.assignableId === taskId);\n\n// helper function that checks if user is assigned to user story in particular role\nconst isUserAssignedToUserStory =\n  assignment => userStoryAssignments.some(userStoryAssignment =>\n    userStoryAssignment.userId === assignment.userId &&\n    userStoryAssignment.roleId === assignment.roleId);\n\n// helper function that checks if the role exists in user story workflow\nconst isRoleAvailable =\n  assignment => roleIds.some(roleId => assignment.roleId === roleId);\n\n// task assignments that should be reflected for user story\nconst filteredAssignments = taskAssignments.filter(assignment =>\n  isRoleAvailable(assignment) && !isUserAssignedToUserStory(assignment));\n\n// create user story assignments\nreturn => ({\n  command: \"targetprocess:CreateResource\",\n  payload: {\n    resourceType: \"Assignment\",\n    fields: {\n      Assignable: { Id: userStoryId },\n      GeneralUser: { Id: assignment.userId },\n      Role: { Id: assignment.roleId }\n    }\n  }\n}));"

Assign a User to a Feature when he is assigned to a User Story

    "type": "source:targetprocess:EntityChanged",
    "entityTypes": [
    "modifications": {
      "created": true,
      "deleted": false,
      "updated": false
    "or": [
        "and": [
            "value": {
              "type": "constant",
              "value": "UserStory"
            "target": {
              "name": "Name",
              "type": "field",
              "target": {
                "name": "EntityType",
                "type": "field",
                "target": {
                  "name": "Assignable",
                  "type": "field",
                  "target": {
                    "type": "pipelineBlockOutput"
            "operator": {
              "type": "is"
    "type": "filter:Relational"
    "type": "action:JavaScript",
    "script": "const roleId = args.Current.Role.Id;\nconst userId = args.Current.GeneralUser.Id;\nconst userStoryId = args.Current.Assignable.Id;\n\n//get the id of the user story's feature if is still not assigned to the user\nconst api = context.getService(\"targetprocess/api/v2\");\nconst queryResult = await api.queryAsync(\"feature\", {\n  \"select\": \"{ featureId: id, projectId: }\",\n  \"where\": `userstories.count(id = ${userStoryId}) > 0 and assignments.count( = ${roleId} and = ${userId}) = 0`\n});\n\nif (!queryResult.length) {\n  return;\n}\n\nconst { featureId, projectId } = queryResult[0];\n\n//get the list of available Roles for Feature Assignments\nconst roleIds = await api.queryAsync(\"RoleEntityTypeProcessSetting\", {\n  select: \"\",\n  where: ` = \"feature\" and process.projects.count(id = ${projectId}) > 0 and CanBeAssigned = True`,\n  result: \"distinct\"\n});\n\nif (roleIds.includes(roleId)) {\n  return {\n    command: \"targetprocess:CreateResource\",\n    payload: {\n      resourceType: \"Assignment\",\n      fields: {\n        Assignable: { id: featureId },\n        Role: { id: roleId },\n        GeneralUser: { id: userId }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}"

Assign the people working on a User Story to its Feature when the Feature is set

    "type": "source:targetprocess:EntityChanged",
    "entityTypes": [
    "modifications": {
      "created": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "updated": [
    "or": [
        "and": [
            "value": null,
            "target": {
              "name": "Feature",
              "type": "field",
              "target": {
                "type": "pipelineBlockOutput"
            "operator": {
              "type": "exists"
    "type": "filter:Relational"
    "type": "action:JavaScript",
    "script": "const userStoryId = args.ResourceId;\nconst featureId = args.Current.Feature.Id;\nconst projectId = args.Current.Project.Id;\n\n// get the list of feature's and user story's assignments\nconst api = context.getService(\"targetprocess/api/v2\");\nconst assignments = await api.queryAsync(\"assignment\", {\n  select: \"{ assignableId:, roleId:, userId: }\",\n  where: ` in [${userStoryId}, ${featureId}]`\n});\n\n//get the list of available Roles for Feature Assignments\nconst roleIds = await api.queryAsync(\"RoleEntityTypeProcessSetting\", {\n  select: \"\",\n  where: ` = \"feature\" and process.projects.count(id = ${projectId}) > 0 and CanBeAssigned = True`,\n  result: \"distinct\"\n});\n\n// user story assignments only\nconst userStoryAssignments = assignments.filter(assignment => assignment.assignableId === userStoryId);\n\n// feature assignments only\nconst featureAssignments = assignments.filter(assignment => assignment.assignableId === featureId);\n\n// helper function that checks if user is assigned to feature in particular role\nconst isUserAssignedToFeature =\n  assignment => featureAssignments.some(featureAssignment =>\n    featureAssignment.userId === assignment.userId &&\n    featureAssignment.roleId === assignment.roleId);\n\n// helper function that checks if the role exists in feature workflow\nconst isRoleAvailable =\n  assignment => roleIds.some(roleId => assignment.roleId === roleId);\n\n// user story assignments that should be reflected for feature\nconst filteredAssignments = userStoryAssignments.filter(assignment =>\n  isRoleAvailable(assignment) && !isUserAssignedToFeature(assignment));\n\n// create feature assignments\nreturn => ({\n  command: \"targetprocess:CreateResource\",\n  payload: {\n    resourceType: \"Assignment\",\n    fields: {\n      Assignable: { Id: featureId },\n      GeneralUser: { Id: assignment.userId },\n      Role: { Id: assignment.roleId }\n    }\n  }\n}));"

Assign a User to an Epic when he is assigned to a Feature

    "type": "source:targetprocess:EntityChanged",
    "entityTypes": [
    "modifications": {
      "created": true,
      "deleted": false,
      "updated": false
    "or": [
        "and": [
            "value": {
              "type": "constant",
              "value": "Feature"
            "target": {
              "name": "Name",
              "type": "field",
              "target": {
                "name": "EntityType",
                "type": "field",
                "target": {
                  "name": "Assignable",
                  "type": "field",
                  "target": {
                    "type": "pipelineBlockOutput"
            "operator": {
              "type": "is"
    "type": "filter:Relational"
    "type": "action:JavaScript",
    "script": "const roleId = args.Current.Role.Id;\nconst userId = args.Current.GeneralUser.Id;\nconst featureId = args.Current.Assignable.Id;\n\n//get the id of the feature's epic if is still not assigned to the user\nconst api = context.getService(\"targetprocess/api/v2\");\nconst queryResult = await api.queryAsync(\"epic\", {\n  \"select\": \"{ epicId: id, projectId: }\",\n  \"where\": `features.count(id = ${featureId}) > 0 and assignments.count( = ${roleId} and = ${userId}) = 0`\n});\n\nif (!queryResult.length) {\n  return;\n}\n\nconst { epicId, projectId } = queryResult[0];\n\n//get the list of available Roles for Epic Assignments\nconst roleIds = await api.queryAsync(\"RoleEntityTypeProcessSetting\", {\n  select: \"\",\n  where: ` = \"epic\" and process.projects.count(id = ${projectId}) > 0 and CanBeAssigned = True`,\n  result: \"distinct\"\n});\n\nif (roleIds.includes(roleId)) {\n  return {\n    command: \"targetprocess:CreateResource\",\n    payload: {\n      resourceType: \"Assignment\",\n      fields: {\n        Assignable: { id: epicId },\n        Role: { id: roleId },\n        GeneralUser: { id: userId }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}"

Assign the people working on a Feature to its Epic when the Epic is set

    "type": "source:targetprocess:EntityChanged",
    "entityTypes": [
    "modifications": {
      "created": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "updated": [
    "or": [
        "and": [
            "value": null,
            "target": {
              "name": "Epic",
              "type": "field",
              "target": {
                "type": "pipelineBlockOutput"
            "operator": {
              "type": "exists"
    "type": "filter:Relational"
    "type": "action:JavaScript",
    "script": "const featureId = args.ResourceId;\nconst epicId = args.Current.Epic.Id;\nconst projectId = args.Current.Project.Id;\n\n// get the list of feature's and epic's assignments\nconst api = context.getService(\"targetprocess/api/v2\");\nconst assignments = await api.queryAsync(\"assignment\", {\n  select: \"{ assignableId:, roleId:, userId: }\",\n  where: ` in [${epicId}, ${featureId}]`\n});\n\n//get the list of available Roles for Epic Assignments\nconst roleIds = await api.queryAsync(\"RoleEntityTypeProcessSetting\", {\n  select: \"\",\n  where: ` = \"epic\" and process.projects.count(id = ${projectId}) > 0 and CanBeAssigned = True`,\n  result: \"distinct\"\n});\n\n// epic assignments only\nconst epicAssignments = assignments.filter(assignment => assignment.assignableId === epicId);\n\n// feature assignments only\nconst featureAssignments = assignments.filter(assignment => assignment.assignableId === featureId);\n\n// helper function that checks if user is assigned to epic in particular role\nconst isUserAssignedToEpic =\n  assignment => epicAssignments.some(epicAssignment =>\n    epicAssignment.userId === assignment.userId &&\n    epicAssignment.roleId === assignment.roleId);\n\n// helper function that checks if the role exists in epic workflow\nconst isRoleAvailable =\n  assignment => roleIds.some(roleId => assignment.roleId === roleId);\n\n// feature assignments that should be reflected for epic\nconst filteredAssignments = featureAssignments.filter(assignment =>\n  isRoleAvailable(assignment) && !isUserAssignedToEpic(assignment));\n\n// create epic assignments\nreturn => ({\n  command: \"targetprocess:CreateResource\",\n  payload: {\n    resourceType: \"Assignment\",\n    fields: {\n      Assignable: { Id: epicId },\n      GeneralUser: { Id: assignment.userId },\n      Role: { Id: assignment.roleId }\n    }\n  }\n}));"

Assign a User to a Portfolio Epic when he is assigned to an Epic

    "type": "source:targetprocess:EntityChanged",
    "entityTypes": [
    "modifications": {
      "created": true,
      "deleted": false,
      "updated": false
    "or": [
        "and": [
            "value": {
              "type": "constant",
              "value": "Epic"
            "target": {
              "name": "Name",
              "type": "field",
              "target": {
                "name": "EntityType",
                "type": "field",
                "target": {
                  "name": "Assignable",
                  "type": "field",
                  "target": {
                    "type": "pipelineBlockOutput"
            "operator": {
              "type": "is"
    "type": "filter:Relational"
    "type": "action:JavaScript",
    "script": "const roleId = args.Current.Role.Id;\nconst userId = args.Current.GeneralUser.Id;\nconst epicId = args.Current.Assignable.Id;\n\n//get the id of the epic's portfolio epic if is still not assigned to the user\nconst api = context.getService(\"targetprocess/api/v2\");\nconst queryResult = await api.queryAsync(\"portfolioEpic\", {\n  \"select\": \"{ portfolioEpicId: id, projectId: }\",\n  \"where\": `epics.count(id = ${epicId}) > 0 and assignments.count( = ${roleId} and = ${userId}) = 0`\n});\n\nif (!queryResult.length) {\n  return;\n}\n\nconst { portfolioEpicId, projectId } = queryResult[0];\n\n//get the list of available Roles for Portfolio Epic Assignments\nconst roleIds = await api.queryAsync(\"RoleEntityTypeProcessSetting\", {\n  select: \"\",\n  where: ` = \"portfolioEpic\" and process.projects.count(id = ${projectId}) > 0 and CanBeAssigned = True`,\n  result: \"distinct\"\n});\n\nif (roleIds.includes(roleId)) {\n  return {\n    command: \"targetprocess:CreateResource\",\n    payload: {\n      resourceType: \"Assignment\",\n      fields: {\n        Assignable: { id: portfolioEpicId },\n        Role: { id: roleId },\n        GeneralUser: { id: userId }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}"

Assign the people working on an Epic to its Portfolio Epic when the Portfolio Epic is set

    "type": "source:targetprocess:EntityChanged",
    "entityTypes": [
    "modifications": {
      "created": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "updated": [
    "or": [
        "and": [
            "value": null,
            "target": {
              "name": "PortfolioEpic",
              "type": "field",
              "target": {
                "type": "pipelineBlockOutput"
            "operator": {
              "type": "exists"
    "type": "filter:Relational"
    "type": "action:JavaScript",
    "script": "const epicId = args.ResourceId;\nconst portfolioEpicId = args.Current.PortfolioEpic.Id;\nconst projectId = args.Current.Project.Id;\n\n// get the list of portfolio epic's and epic's assignments\nconst api = context.getService(\"targetprocess/api/v2\");\nconst assignments = await api.queryAsync(\"assignment\", {\n  select: \"{ assignableId:, roleId:, userId: }\",\n  where: ` in [${epicId}, ${portfolioEpicId}]`\n});\n\n//get the list of available Roles for Portfolio Epic Assignments\nconst roleIds = await api.queryAsync(\"RoleEntityTypeProcessSetting\", {\n  select: \"\",\n  where: ` = \"portfolioEpic\" and process.projects.count(id = ${projectId}) > 0 and CanBeAssigned = True`,\n  result: \"distinct\"\n});\n\n// epic assignments only\nconst epicAssignments = assignments.filter(assignment => assignment.assignableId === epicId);\n\n// portfolio epic assignments only\nconst portfolioEpicAssignments = assignments.filter(assignment => assignment.assignableId === portfolioEpicId);\n\n// helper function that checks if user is assigned to portfolio epic in particular role\nconst isUserAssignedToPortfolioEpic =\n  assignment => portfolioEpicAssignments.some(portfolioEpicAssignment =>\n    portfolioEpicAssignment.userId === assignment.userId &&\n    portfolioEpicAssignment.roleId === assignment.roleId);\n\n// helper function that checks if the role exists in portfolio epic workflow\nconst isRoleAvailable =\n  assignment => roleIds.some(roleId => assignment.roleId === roleId);\n\n// epic assignments that should be reflected for epic\nconst filteredAssignments = epicAssignments.filter(assignment =>\n  isRoleAvailable(assignment) && !isUserAssignedToPortfolioEpic(assignment));\n\n// create portfolio epic assignments\nreturn => ({\n  command: \"targetprocess:CreateResource\",\n  payload: {\n    resourceType: \"Assignment\",\n    fields: {\n      Assignable: { Id: portfolioEpicId },\n      GeneralUser: { Id: assignment.userId },\n      Role: { Id: assignment.roleId }\n    }\n  }\n}));"