Model Definition
Represents an event fired by DevOps integration source
interface DevOpsChangedEntityEvent {
account: string // account host
profileId: number // id of devops integration profile
modification: 'Created' | 'Updated' | 'Deleted' // event modifictation
entityType: 'MergeRequest' | 'Branch' | 'Pipeline' | 'Repository'// type of the entity that was updated
current: MergeRequest | Branch | Pipeline | Repository // current state of the entity
previous?: MergeRequest | Branch | Pipeline | Repository // previous state of the entity
changedFields: string[] // list of the properties that was modified
targetprocessEntityIds: number[] // id of Targetprocess entities to which this devops object is attached
action?: 'Created' | 'Approved' | 'Merged' | 'Closed' | 'Edited' // for merge request events only. Represents type of action that was made with merge request.
Represents an integration definition of merge request
interace MergeRequest {
id: number // An integration id
sourceId: string // Id in DevOps tool
title: string // merge reques title
isDraft: boolean // Is it a draft (work in progress)
url: string // url to merge request in devops tool
state: 'Opened' | 'Closed' | 'Locked' 'Merged' // merge request state
reviewStatus: MergeRequestReviewStatus // status of merge request review process
mergeStatus: 'CanBeMerged' | 'CanNotBeMerged' | 'Unknown' // if merge requst has merge conflicts
branch: BranchRef // reference to merge request branch
repository: IdentityRef // reference to merge request repository
Simple ref to other object
interface IdentityRef {
id: number // an integration id
sourceId: string // an DevOps tool id
Short ref to branch
interface BranchRef {
id: number // an integration id
name: string // branch name
Merge request review status
interface MergeRequestReviewStatus {
countOfReviewersRequired: number // count of approvals required by tool policy
countOfReviewersDone: number // count of approvals done
state: 'Pending' | 'Approved' | 'Rejected' // calculated review state
Represents repository in DevOps integration
interface Repository {
id: number // an integration id
sourceId: string // a DevOps tool id
name: string // repository name
url: string // repository url
Represents branch in DevOps integration
interface Branch {
id: number // an integration id
name: string // branch name
url: string // url to the branch in DevOps tool
repository: IdentityRef // reference to branch repository
entityIds: number[] // Ids of Targetprocess entitites branch is attached to
Represents full branch model in DevOps integration
interface BranchFull {
id: number // an integration id
isDeleted: boolean // is branch already deleted
name: string // branch name
url: string // url to the branch in DevOps tool
repository: Repository // reference to branch repository
entityIds: number[] // Ids of Targetprocess entitites branch is attached to
mergeRequests: MergeRequest[] // list of merge requests created from this branch
tool: 'GitLab' | 'GitHub' | 'Phabricator' | 'AzureDevOps' | 'Bitbucket' | 'BitbucketServer' // type of DevOp tool
lastPipeline: Pipeline | undefined // last pipeline on this branch (in general in various tools it is called differently Pipeline, Check Suite, Build etc.)
Represents pipeline (in general in various tools it is called differently Pipeline, Check Suite, Build etc.)
interface Pipeline {
id: number // an integration id
sourceId: string // id in DevOps tool
url: string; // url to pipeline details in DevOps tool
status: 'Running' | 'Pending' | 'Success' | 'Failed' | 'Cancelled' | 'Skipped' // pipeline status
branch: BranchRef // reference to the branch
repository: IdentityRef // reference to the repository
Updated over 5 years ago