Example: Dynamic routing with the filter by process.
Case #1 When Jira issue gets to particular state, it must be synced to Targetprocess project with the same name as selected in Jira custom field 'Targetprocess Project'. Profile will work for projects with the "Scrumban" process.
All not "Scrumban" projects and entities will be processed with another profile and different types mappings (Case #2).
Case #2 integration profile must work if we import to all other projects apart from thos that use "Scrumban" process
const workSharing = context.getService("workSharing/v2");
const jiraApi = workSharing.getProxy(args.sourceTool);
const apiV2 = context.getService("targetprocess/api/v2");
const customFieldName = 'Targetprocess Project';
const status = 'In Progress';
//Add processes comma separated for filterting
const fitlerByProcesses = ['Scrumban']
//helper function to get issues in parallel, n - default value that defines a number of issues fetching in parallel.
async function getIssues(issues, n=10){
const a = [...issues];
const chunks = new Array(Math.ceil(a.length/n))
.fill(void 0).map(_ => a.splice(0, n));
const results = [];
for (const chunk of chunks) {
const result = await Promise.all(chunk.map(async e => await jiraApi.getAsync(`rest/api/2/issue/${e.sourceId}?expand=names`)));
return results
const issues = await getIssues(args.entities);
const indexedIssues = new Map(issues.map(v =>[
v.key, v
//Get TP project names from CF.
const entityProjectNames = args.entities.reduce((acc, entity) => {
const jiraIssue = indexedIssues.get(entity.sourceId);
if (jiraIssue) {
const customFieldId = Object.keys(jiraIssue.names).find(key => jiraIssue.names[key] === customFieldName);
const jiraFieldValue = jiraIssue.fields[customFieldId]
const isInStatus = jiraIssue.fields.status.name.toUpperCase() === status.toUpperCase();
jiraFieldValue && isInStatus && acc.push({entity, projectName:jiraFieldValue.value});
return acc;
if (!entityProjectNames.length) {return[]}
const entityProjects = await apiV2.queryAsync('project', {
select:`{id, name, process:process.name}`,
where: `name in ${JSON.stringify([...new Set(entityProjectNames.map(v=> v.projectName))])}`
//ProjectMapping name,id
const projectsMapping = new Map(
.filter(process => fitlerByProcesses.some(s=> s.toUpperCase()===process.process.toUpperCase()))
.map(({ id, name }) => [
const cmds = entityProjectNames.reduce((acc, cv) => {
const prName = (cv.projectName || '').toUpperCase();
if (projectsMapping.has(prName)) {
entity: cv.entity,
targetScope: { kind: 'project', sourceId: projectsMapping.get(prName).toString() }
return acc;
}, []);
return cmds;
Case #2. For the opposite filtering for e.g take into account all the processes except the process/processes specified in the array, change the following line:
.filter(process => fitlerByProcesses.some(s=> s.toUpperCase()===process.process.toUpperCase()))
.filter(process => !fitlerByProcesses.some(s=> s.toUpperCase()===process.process.toUpperCase()))
More examples in GitHub library of JS mappings and routings samples.
Updated over 1 year ago