Entity, User, Comment

The entity object in the root level is the Business Object (also referred to as an Entity) that is passed to the template for processing. This object can be a User Story, Bug, Task, Feature, or any other Entity type in Targetprocess. An entity may contain references to other entities.

The user object in the root level is always the user who is the recipient of the email. Objects of User class may be referenced in fields and collections such as Assignments, Owner, LastEditor.



A field is a member variable that belongs to an object.

Common fields

These properties are common among all entities.

.IDIntegerThe entity’s numeric ID.

Entity: Assignable

These properties are common among assignable entities (for example, User Stories, Bugs, Features, and Tasks).

.NameStringThe name of the entity.
.DescriptionStringThe entity’s description text. Formatting is HTML. Should be processed properly.
Object (Kind)
The name of the entity type. For instance it can be UserStory, Bug, Task, Feature, Request, or any other Targetprocess entity.
.PriorityObject (Priority)The current priority (business value) of the entity.
Object (Release)
Object (Iteration)
The current release / iteration (sprint) the entity is assigned to.
.TeamsCollectionArray of Objects (Assignment)This array contains Assignments of Users to an entity. Details on responsible Roles are included as well.
.OwnerObject (User)The user who is Owner of an entity.
.LastEditorObject (User)The user who performed most recent modification of an item. Example: Last Editor


The current priority (business value) of the entity.

.NameStringThe name of the business value.

Release, Iteration

The current release / iteration (sprint) the entity is assigned to. The object inherits all properties of Entity: Assignable object and has some additional ones.

.StartDateDateThe start date of the release / iteration (sprint).
.EndDateDateThe end date of the release / iteration (sprint).


The object represent assignment of a user to an entity. Details on responsible Role are included as well. Array of Assignments is retrieved from the Assignable entity via the following method:

.UserObject (User)The user associated with the assignment.
.RoleObject (Role)The role of the assignment.


The role of the assignment.

.NameStringThe name of the role.


An (Assignable) entity has linked Comments collection.

.DescriptionStringThe text of the comment. Formatting is HTML. Should be processed properly.
.GeneralObject (Assignable)The entity to which the comment is submitted to.
.OwnerObject (User)The user who submitted the comment.
.IsPrivateBooleanPrivate comments are hidden for Requesters in Service Desk. Requesters are external users who don't have Targetprocess license.


The user object in the root level is always the user who is the recipient of the email. Objects of User class may be referenced in fields and collections such as Assignments, Owner, LastEditor.

.FullNameStringThe user’s full name.
.FirstNameStringThe user’s first name.
.LastNameStringThe user’s last name.
.EmailStringThe user’s email address.
.LoginStringThe user’s login within Targetprocess.

Interactive Data Model

You can find more detailed documentation on the Business Objects and their respective properties here: https://md5.tpondemand.com/api/v1/index/meta