Validate Users and Requesters


Endpoints do not require authentication

There is no need to add token or basic authentication for both /api/login/ValidateRequester and /api/login/validate


Endpoints support POST requests only

If you try to open /api/login/ValidateRequester or /api/login/validate URL in your browser or perform a GET request in any other way, you will get an error.
This endpoint only supports POST.

Validate Requesters

We have an awesome Service Desk, but you may prefer to develop your own application for external users.
In this case you would need a way to check whether a requester has entered a valid login and password or not. This can be checked using the ValidateRequester endpoint, by passing the Requester's login and password in JSON payload:

POST to /api/login/ValidateRequester

  "Email": "[email protected]",
  "Password": "s86g5w~V!k"
curl --header "Content-type: application/json" --url "" --data "{'Email':'[email protected]','Password':'lq2%m!'}"

If the login and password were correct, you will get { "isValid": true } in response.
Otherwise you will get { "isValid": false }

Validate Users

To check if a Targetprocess user has entered a valid login and password, you can use Validate endpoint:

POST to /api/login/validate

  "username": "[email protected]",
  "Password": "s86g5w~V!k"
curl --header "Content-type: application/json" --url "" --data "{'username':'John','Password':'123'}"

If the login and password were correct, you will get 200 OK status in response.
Otherwise you will get 401 Unauthorized error.