Delete, Unassign

To delete a resource, the DELETE request should be sent to the resource Id.

If a resource was deleted, you will receive an empty response with HTTP status 200. If the requested resource is not found, response with HTTP Status 404 will be returned:

DELETE /api/v1/UserStories/376 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Batch delete entities within a single DELETE

It is possible to delete several Targetprocess entities within single DELETE request sent to REST API.

For example, let's delete two Tags with IDs #14 and #56:

URL: /api/v1/tags/bulk
Method: DELETE
Content-Type: application/json



It's not possible to delete items in bulk by any other criteria except ID.

Delete and Unassign

Unassign multiple test cases from single test plan

DELETE /api/v1/TestPlans/234/TestCases?childrenIds=1234,1235,1236

Unassign a particular test case from multiple test plans

DELETE /api/v1/TestCases/2345/TestPlans?childrenIds=123,124,125

Unassign a child test plan from a parent test plan

DELETE /api/v1/Testplans/123/ParentTestPlans/456

Project or User Undelete

It is possible to undelete a Project or a User using the Undelete endpoint. Two fields should be passed as a parameters within POST request:

  • entityType: Project or User
  • id: numeric ID of an entity that is the subject for recovery
URL: /api/v1/Undelete
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json

  "entityType": "Project",
  "id": "1"


It's possible to undelete any other entities using REST API. Please refer to guide