Hide details and controls

Multiple mashups exist or can be created with the purpose of hiding UI elements or disabling them (making them appear grayed out):

  • Fields in detailed views
  • Tabs in detailed views
  • Menu actions
  • Cards on views


Most of these mashups are not available in the public Mashups Library. Instead, they are private and can be requested from our Support Team and installed to your account with our help should you require any of them!

Hide fields and tabs in detailed views

There are mashups that hide redundant fields, blocks, tabs, and links in the detailed views of entities:

  • fields: Business value / Build / Severity / Planned dates / Source / selected Custom Fields / etc.
  • blocks: Progress, State, Lead / Cycle time etc.
  • tabs: History / Flow / Source etc.
  • actions: disable ability to mark Test Plan Run as closed


These mashups can be applied to entities of particular types for specific projects and users only.

Hide menu actions

There are mashups that hide elements from the main menu or settings menu:

  • Reports
  • Timesheet
  • Settings
  • Audit history
  • Import

This mashup hides the +Create button in the left menu (the left menu contains the list of views):


These mashups can be applied for particular users or roles only.

Hide cards on views

These mashups hide cards on views: